February 11, 2025

Northern Region Second Most Corrupt Area In Ghana, According UN Survey

The northern region has been established to be the second most corrupt area in the country with a graft-prevalent score rate of 89.2 percent, only behind Oti Region with a score of 91 in a United Nations’ Survey.

The 2021 survey conducted by the World’s body established Northern Region was the second place in Ghana where public officials will openly request for money or some kind of favour before a service is rendered.

The Upper East, North East and Upper West Regions completed the top five with corruption scores of 83.4%, 81.3% and 80.3% respectively. The Savanna Region, an area carved out of the Northern Region some four years ago, according to the survey, proved the area where corruption is least prevalent in Northern Ghana. The Gonja area made a score of 59.8 percent while the Western North Region, another newly created region, was the least corrupt area in Ghana with a score of just 24.8 percent.

With four of the five regions in Northern Ghana making the top five, what this survey means is that corruption is more prevalent in the North than in any part of the country. These areas are also the most impoverished with a chunk of inhabitants living on less than a dollar per day.

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