February 11, 2025

N/R: Health Director Advocate Urgent Action For Increased Access To Family Planning Services

A stakeholders’ engagement forum on Ghana’s family planning commitment has opened today in Tamale with a call for collective efforts to ensure universal access to family planning services in the Northern region to align with the country’s commitment to the FP2030 global movement.

The Regional Health Director, Dr. Abubakari Abdulai who made the call emphasized the critical role of Family Planning in reproductive health and rights, underlining its impact on maternal and child mortality, unintended pregnancies, and women’s empowerment.

The FP2030 is an ambitious five goal set to be achieved by 2030. Its commitments include integration into the National Health Insurance benefit package, increased government financial commitment, and raising the Modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate among currently married women to 44.4% by 2030.

With Ghana making a commitment to achieve the set goals within the stipulated period, Dr. Abdulai said urgent action was required to address the low acceptance and high unmet need for Family Planning, especially in the Northern Region which has a meager 25.7 percent acceptor rate.

The former Northeast regional health director noted that to achieve FP2030 objectives, there was the need for players to actively engage in collaborative effort for successful implementation of the objectives.

He also emphasised the critical impact of sensitisation and awareness creation, urging participants to explore networks offered by their various offices to educate the public on family planning in order to increase acceptance.

The stakeholders’ engagement forum which was called at the behest of the Northern Regional Health Directorate was meant to disseminate vital information on Ghana’s Family Planning 2030 Commitment and the revised National Family Planning Protocols.
Patrons of the forum included chiefs, health practitioners, Principals of the various health training Instituions, members of the media, representatives of allied agencies and departments as well as the public.

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